Ministers of Jesus Christ
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ
Assemblies of The Apostolic Faith
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
Apostle Dennis G. Smith, Pastor and Spiritual Overseer

 Home Page 

  Department Table of Contents


The Brotherhood Organization

Brothers Department ( Men)





Male Missionaries Auxiliary

Preachers and Deacons Auxiliary

Gospel Singers Auxiliary

Sergeant-At-Arms Auxiliary

Ways and means Committee

Help Ministry



The Brothers Department is the foremost department of the Church.  Our mission is to unite all men for the glory of God and encourage them to keep the unity of the Faith with brotherly love.  Our purpose is to assist with the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through various auxiliaries dedicated and committed to provide such functions which supports and maintain that harmony appointed for the men of God to perform in the body of Christ.



Construction continues on the new pulpit and sanctuary!!!








   “Let Us Go On”                                                                           

Excavation for the Sanctuary and side expansions continues!!






The Male Missionaries


The Male Missionaries is an auxiliary of the Brothers Department.  It purpose is to visit and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the prisons, Shelters, hospitals. It’s local responsibilities is to perform baptisms and make sure the baptism pool, men/boys attire for baptism, and the ministers attire is available at all times.



Apostle Dennis on a missionary ministry to Jamaica.



“Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find bid …etc”

Matthew 22:9





The Young Preachers and Deacons Auxiliary


The young preachers and deacons auxiliary functions under the your Dept. under the guidance of Apostle Dennis Smith and Minister Samuel Smith.

Our primary function is to teach the young brothers the word of God and the order of the


Brother Phillip Smith assistant conductor of  Young Preachers                       Minister Joshua Smith 1st Conductor of the Young Preachers





The Apostolic Gospel Singers Auxiliary


The primary function of the Apostolic Gospel Singers auxiliary is to offer praises unto God when called upon.  It functions under the Brothers Department.  As an all men singing group, it learns songs, produce recordings of songs, etc.


The Apostolic Gospel Singers continue to offer praises to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ at the "Victory In Love Crusade" to Columbia, SC.





The Sergeant-At-Arms Auxiliary


The  purpose of the Sergeant-At-Arms auxiliary is:

            ·  Make sure the sanctuary is safe during services

            ·  Help maintain order in the services and calm situations that may arise.

            ·  Escort person carrying the offering from services

            ·  If needed, escort ministers on missionary journeys.

            ·  Make sure everyone gets home from services

            ·  Check the parking lot and make perimeter checks around the building

            ·  Make sure the appropriate doors are secure between services

Bro David Robinson a willing and working Sargeant-at-Arms






Conducting the Offering of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!

Brother Joseph Allen performing a faithful service !!!!!