The Document of Faith
of Brother Dennis G. Smith
Faithful Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ

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5. Cecil's Palace

I was sent to defeat the spirit of the evil woman in the statue.

Though I had not the full understanding of the vision at the time; I believed it to represent the righteous people left in the earth today.

For Cecil knew that his statue which was carved out of wood and metal which neither walks nor talks was not God. This vision in my mind contained much symbolisms and superstitions of how many people began to see Images made with men hands as Gods. In their minds they give life````` to these Images. And began to imagine them walking and talking to them. But in the end these things will only be of the devil and his deceptive trickery.

Cecil died believing in the one and only God.

page 21

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Ministers of Jesus Christ
Last Updated: 04/18/09