The Document of Faith
of Brother Dennis G. Smith
Faithful Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ

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4.  Vision of Continuance and
    Letters to His Blessedness


And some of those that were not called and those that were told that they could not go, went out of the church to live in the merriness of the world. But as soon as they walked through the door they were killed.

And I cried, "Please Blessedness count me worthy to escape."

I love you Blessedness, my Holy Father and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you count me worthy to escape.

Sorrow is upon my Blessedness ................

There was digging in the other room and I heard it and was afraid to look. Then I turned and saw, there stood a man ugly, blacker than the blackness he stood in with a dim light digging a grave.

I did not understand this vision but my soul cried out.

Sorrow is upon my Blessedness ................

It was dark and the wind was blowing. And dark hard things that reminded me of nails were blowing in the wind. Then I saw demons coming up from the ground walking upon the earth coming after me and I cried, "Lord Jesus....."

Sorrow is upon my Blessedness................

There was one that beared the looks of my Blessedness

that came to the church. And the saints were expecting the coming of Blessedness. And he that bore the image of Blessedness came in the church and the church rent or note had not been paid. And we were on the verge of losing the church. And it went out that someone should tell the one which bore the image of our fate. And the telling passed from one to another until I was asked to tell the one of the image. When he came through the front door of the church as he passed me, I stood there shocked, because I knew this was not the Blessedness.

Some being led away followed him. He went to the altar and started his sermon. And I stood in the other room shocked, staring through the door at him with eyes of darkness. When the service was over, he dismissed. And I stood there shocked beyond belief. Then he made merry with those being led away and he gave away money. And when he had passed me he reached into his pocket and searched through his roll until he found the smallest amount and gave it to me. I stared at him with eyes of darkness and spoke nothing. Then them that was led away ran up to kiss him. I frowned. Suddenly my wife went up and kissed him and I became furious and them led away said, "Brother Dennis is jealous of Blessedness."

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Ministers of Jesus Christ
Last Updated: 04/18/09