The Document of Faith
of Brother Dennis G. Smith
Faithful Witness of the Lord Jesus Christ

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16.     Vision of the Harlot

Jeremiah the entire third chapter particularly the 20th verse through 22nd verse it reads:

20th     Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me. O house of Israel, saith the Lord.

21st     A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplication of the children of Israel; for they have perverted their way and they have forgotten the Lord their God.

22nd     Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee for thou art the Lord Our God.

I realized that I had the same feeling towards my wife as God has towards anyone that departs from him.

And yet the Lord is forgiving, calling us to return.

I shall not depart from my calling. I shall not deal treacherously with the Lord. I shall not play the harlot. I have become a rock in my faith and I am he that cometh.

This vision occurred Monday 25th day of the Eleventh Month 1991.

On the 24th day of the Eleventh Month, I became angry and discouraged at the so called saints that were fighting against the church, and the Royal House of Shelton.

I was so angry that I told the Lord that I will not go to them, for they are a rebellious people with the audacity to think themselves capable, to choose who will be the Lord's anointed.

But through the prayers of his Blessedness, which he prayed for me before he entered into his rest, the Lord came and warned me and has made me a polished rock therefore, I will not depart from my calling.

This I address to the Royal Priesthood is a Priestly matter. It is not to be looked upon at this time by anyone other than Elder Omega, Elder Marcus, Prince Jonathan and anyone else in your personal confidence.

I declare before you this day that "I am the Lord's Anointed." I declare this, that by pure faith, I have come. I shall not depart from this my Apostolic calling. I have been raised for this all of my life. I have the message, the direction to which the Lord shall lead his church, I am but his vessel. I have no personal agenda, what the Lord say, that and "Only that" will I say and am saying now.

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